We attracted more than 500 high students to attend our Science Day at CMIX, UL Lafayette.

WEDS lab has printed a lot of frames of face shields for local hospital. See the media report here. Link
The Dover Public Library is one of only 14 sites in the nation selected to host the Explore Tech exhibition, which introduces the role engineers play in our lives and how engineering provides solutions to better meet human needs and develop sustainable innovations for the future. The exhibit features hands-on and multimedia components that allow exhibit visitors to interact with exhibit content in a dynamic way, encouraging new perspectives on engineers and their vital work.
STEM Makerfest
June 10th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Celebrate the exhibit’s opening with a special kick-off event, STEM Makerfest. Enjoy an exciting day of hands-on science and technology activities and demonstrations.
to be continued
Weeklong day camp for students comprised of cyber security workshops, labs, and a competition held on the last day. The camp will focus on topics such as intrusion detection, penetration, and forensics. Workshops will be taught by instructors from the SANS Institute, the largest source for information security training and certification in the world. The overall objective is to attract as many talented and skilled people as possible to this field of study and career path.
College and graduate students and high school students. Students need to have completed their sophomore year of high school by the time of the camp. Campers under 18 years of age will need a parent’s consent to attend the camp.
Camp alumni may compete again, but priority for camp positions will go to non-alumni. Camp alumni are encouraged to volunteer to be camp teaching assistants.
Delaware State University
Martin Luther King Jr. Student Center
Parlor B&C
1200 N. DuPont Hwy
Dover, DE 19901
Meals will also be provided at the camp (continental breakfast, lunch and snacks).
Monday, July 11, 2016 – Friday, July 15, 2016
Friday features a competition, a winners’ ceremony and a press event.
Some camp attendee fees will be covered by Corporate and USCC scholarships. In some cases the student will be responsible for a modest fee to attend the camp.
Eligibility and Qualification for the Delaware Summer Camp is determined by the results of the2016 online Cyber Quests program. This is a fun but challenging on-line competitions allowing participants to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of information security realms. Each challenge features an artifact for analysis, along with a series of quiz questions. Some focus on a potentially vulnerable sample web server as the artifact, challenging participants to identify its flaws using vulnerability analysis skills. Others are focused around forensic analysis, packet capture analysis, and more. They have varying levels of difficulty and complexity, with some geared toward beginners, while others include more intermediate and ultimately advanced material.