About Sharon


Thanks for checking my website. I have received multiple funds from different agencies, especially NSF, and I know that without reviewers' support/help, I cannot make any achievements!

Xiali (Sharon) Hei is an Alfred and Helen M. Lamson Endowed associate professor in the School of Computing and Informatics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette since August 15th, 2023. She was an Alfred and Helen M. Lamson Endowed assistant professor in the School of Computing and Informatics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette from August 2017 to August  15th, 2023. During her sabbatical year of 2023-2024, she visited Dr. Insup Lee at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, she was an assistant professor at Delaware State University from 2015-2017 and an assistant professor at Frostburg State University from 2014-2015. Note that Delaware State University and Frostburg State University are two teaching schools.  Sharon received her Ph.D. in computer science from Temple University in 2014, focusing on computer security. Her Ph.D. advisors were Dr. James Du and Dr. Shan Lin (Stony Brook University, Jack’s student). Her master advisor is Kwok-Yan Lam (Associate Vice President of Nanyang Technological University Singapore).  

Her collaborators (past and present) have included Kevin Butler, Sara Rampazzi, Zhiqiang Lin, Insup Lee (ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow), Jie Wu (IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow), Oleg Sokolsky, Fei Hu, and Kevin Fu (ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Sloan Research Fellow).  

She was awarded Alfred and Helen M. Lamson Endowed Professorship, an Outstanding Achievement Award in Externally Funded Research, two NSF/DoE NAIRR Pilot awards, an NSF Track 4 Faculty Fellowship, an NSF SaTC Small award, an NSF MRI award, a Meta (Facebook) research award, an NSF ERSCoR RII Track 1 award, an NSF CRII award, an LA BoRSF CEMC Talent Initiative Fund,  an LA BoRSF Seed fund, and a Delaware DEDO grant, IEEE SP 2024 Distinguished paper award, EAI SmartSP 2023 Best paper award, ACM 2014 MobiHoc Best Poster Runner-up Award, Dissertation Completion Fellowship, The Bronze Award Best Graduate Project in Future of Computing Competition, IEEE INFOCOM, and IEEE GLOBECOM student travel grant, etc. Also, she earned an M.S. in Software Engineering from Tsinghua University and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University. Her papers were published at IEEE S&P, USENIX Security Symp., ACM CCS, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE Euro S&P, RAID, ASIACCS, etc. She is a PC member of the USENIX Security Symp. , IEEE EuroS&P,  PST, IEEE GLOBECOM, SafeThings, AutoSec, IEEE ICC, WASA, etc. She was the general chair of EAI SmartSP 2024. She has been an IEEE senior member since 2019.

Xiali Hei_CV (03/16/2024)

NSF Format CV


Dr. Xiali (Sharon) Hei,

Alfred and Helen M. Lamson Endowed Professor,

Associate Professor, IEEE senior member.
Room 205, James R. Oliver Hall
School of Computing and Informatics
Ray P. Authement College of Sciences
The University of Louisiana at Lafayette
301 E. Lewis Street, Lafayette, LA 70503
Office: 1-337-482-1037
Email: xiali.hei@louisiana.edu
Website: https://people.cmix.louisiana.edu/sharon/

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